Monday, May 5, 2014

Banana Ice Cream

 I've never met anyone who's never liked ice cream.; I think it's safe to say that it's everybody's favorite dessert. And those ripe bananas are great to just throw in the freezer for the times you're in the mood to make this again.

Hey, every time I was pregnant I had to have Cold Stone almost every night because I was craving it! Yes, you heard me right! I said Cold Stone! This has to be the most fattening ice cream around. Well pregnancy does that to people; I had no craving for my healthy stuff.

So, this ice cream is good to eat every day without the junk in the trunk! Ha, ha! Sometimes, I crack myself up!


2 frozen bananas (I usually peel ripe bananas first, wrap them in plastic  & place them in the freezer)
1/4 cashew whipped cream (1 cup soaked raw cashews, 1 tsp. vanilla, 1 tbsp. cashew milk, 2 tbsp. coconut nectar)
1/4 raw cacao powder
14 unrefined coconut oil
2 tbsp. coconut nectar
1 tbsp. raw unsweetened shredded coconut
1 tbsp. raw raspberry "granola" mixture
1 tbsp. raw cacao chips (or Enjoy Life dairy-free & soy-free chips)
1 tbsp. raw almond butter
1 tbsp. raw black sesame seeds

Slice bananas, put in the Vitamix, blend and place in a bowl.

Add all remaining ingredients.

For  cashew whipped cream:

Blend cashews, cashew milk, add vanilla, and coconut nectar.

For the raw cacao sauce:

Melt coconut oil in a small bowl and place over a large bowl filled with very hot water. Add cacao and coconut nectar. Drizzle chocolate sauce on top and place in freezer for 5-7 mins. until the chocolate sauce becomes hard then it's ready.

Enjoy every spoonful!

Many Blessings!

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