Sunday, November 17, 2013

Apple Pie

It all started last month while we were apple picking; it made me think about raw apple pie. I would say out of all the desserts, apple pie is emblematic of the American culture. So, I had to come up with something especially with Thanksgiving coming up. It was a little bit of a challenge to come up with a raw version but I like challenges, I'm all for it! The only thing that's missing is tasting the warmth of the apples in the a la mode version. Seriously, after eating a lot of this raw apple pie you'll start craving for the hot version. I made a whole pie, so Chris and I had to eat the same dessert for a week. Yes, sometimes I get tired of eating the same stuff everyday. I don't recommend this by the way unless you really love raw apple pie.

These are macoun apples, great for pies. 




2 cups almonds (soaked in a bowl for 2-4 hrs)
1 cup of oatmeal (soaked in a bowl overnight or 24hrs)
2 tbsp coconut syrup
1 tbsp coconut oil

Allow the oatmeal and almonds to dry a little bit, then place ingredients in a high powered blender. Add the coconut nectar and oil into the mixture, then remove and place into a pie dish. Using your 
hands, spread the mixture evenly in the pie dish. Let it set in the freezer for about an hour.


3 medium size apples
1 cup of cashews (soaked in a bowl for 2-4 hrs)
2 tsp of all spice
1/4 almond milk

Remove apple cores and slice them. Place apples in the blender a little at a time turning it on medium speed. Next, add the cashews and almond milk then remove from the blender, place the mixture in a 
bowl and add all spice. After using a spoon to mix, take the pie crust out and pour the filling inside the crust. You can use a butter knife to spread it evenly.

Let everything set in the freezer again for about 2-3 hours. When you're ready to serve, slice some apples and sprinkle cinnamon on top. Enjoy!

Many Blessings,

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